What are the hazards? Who might be harmed? Controls Action by who? Action by when?

Spread of Covid-19 Coronavirus




Essential visitors

Personal Hygiene

Hand Washing

Hand washing with soap and water on entry to/exit from the nursery, before/after mealtimes and on a regular basis for 20 seconds.

Paper towels/clean single use towels for drying of hands.

Gel sanitisers on entrance to nursery, baby room, toddler room and pre-school room.

Coughs and Sneezes

Catch sneezes in tissues and bin it.

Catch coughs in tissues and bin it, or crook of arm/shoulder.

Tissues on designated shelves.


Avoid touching face, eyes, nose.


Staff will wear clean uniform/clothes each day. Children will arrive in clean clothes each day. Everyone is advised to wash clothes as soon as possible when they return home.

No smoking in uniform under any circumstances.


All staff


Entry and Exit to/from Nursery

Hand sanitiser to be used/hands to be washed before operating the doorbell or any door.

Children will be dropped off and collected at the front door. Children who can walk should walk and handover will be kept to a minimum.

Adults to wear face covering.

If a child has had Calpol, Nurofen or any other medicine that reduces temperature the child must not be brought into nursery.

If a child is absent the nursery must be notified via Famly of the absence and the reason why must be clearly communicated.

Persons with symptoms should not be attending the nursery to pick up or drop off children.

Non-essential visitors will not be permitted access. Where possible visitors and contractors will be arranged to attend outside of setting opening times when less staff and no children will be on site.

Where possible remote communication with visitors, parents and contractors will be used rather than attendance on site.

Parents are to bring a change of clothes in a plastic bag and they will stay at nursery unless they are needed, then any dirty clothes will be placed in a nappy sack to be taken home. No bags or other belongings (toys, books, etc) to be brought into the nursery except dummies for children who sleep.

Where possible personal items such as prams, car seats and blankets etc. will not be brought from home and left at the setting.

Staff will bring in minimum requirements for day, any food and drink must be in disposable packaging.


Frequent cleaning and disinfecting objects and surfaces that are touched regularly particularly in areas of high use such as door handles, safety gates, telephones, keyboard, mouse, toilet flush, tablets, light switches, toys and resources (including outside) using appropriate cleaning products and methods.

Disposable cloths will be used where possible to reduce transmission

Anything a child has put in their mouth will be removed from the room and placed in a bin to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

Bed sheets will only be used once and then washed with fabric sanitiser. Sleep mats, mattresses and surrounding areas (cot rails etc) will be sanitised after each use.

In order to maintain the correct stock for PPE for personal care, cleaning etc and cleaning products, items will be stored correctly in designated areas and stock will be carefully monitored and managed.

Signs and posters will be used to remind and prompt staff to maintain an enhanced cleaning and hygiene regime.

Social/Physical Distancing

One parent to drop off/collect where possible.

Minimum numbers of staff on site at any one time.

Staff working with same colleagues and children as much as possible.

Children’s sleep mats/cots and sleep position will be laid out, so children are kept at a distance

At snack and mealtimes, the children will be as spaced out as physically possible and children will not help themselves or pour their own water. Designated staff member to serve food and drink.

We will consider sectioning rooms to maintain small groups of no more than 8 children.

Staff to keep physical distance between selves and children wherever possible, no sitting on knees unless child requires comfort, no unnecessary cuddles, no kissing under any circumstances. Minimum assistance during toilet use.

Staff to keep physical distance from colleagues wherever possible, mindful of who is coming down the corridor, through the door/gate etc. Lunch breaks to be taken one at a time, toilet breaks one at a time.

Standing side by side rather than face to face

Be mindful of movements around the nursery and keep movements to a minimum.

Parents come and go at different times of the day. Physical distancing observed on pathways and in the entrance.

People do not have to adhere to the 2m social distancing where there is an emergency such as fire, an accident or a security threat or break in and the risk to safety is imminent. Those assisting others in emergencies should ensure they carry out stringent hygiene control afterwards including thorough handwashing.

Room Routine

Remove dressing up clothes, soft toys etc.

Reduce number of toys/resources to minimum and those that can easily be disinfected.

Maintain small groups and same children in the group for group activities.

Play outside as often as possible.

Open windows/doors whenever possible.

Staff will be consulted on risks and controls in the workplace regularly and will receive infection control training.


Additional PPE beyond what is normally worn to control workplace risk, for management of COVID infection has limited benefits and precautionary use of additional PPE for this purpose is not encouraged.

Disposable gloves are available for staff to wear, particularly if a child develops symptoms. Gloves to be disposed of safely after use and not to be reused.

Disposable aprons are available for staff to wear. They are to be disposed of safely and not to be reused.

Masks/Face coverings Washable/disposable face masks or visors to be worn by adults (parents, staff and visitors) inside the building (practitioners may remove them when working in a room, but precaution must be taken when talking or singing).

Disposable masks are provided for use when with a symptomatic child and will be disposed of safely immediately after use. Children under 2 will not wear face masks due to risk of suffocation. Children 2 and over can wear face masks, however if they become irritating to the child, if they remove them or if they fiddle with them constantly, they will be removed and disposed of.

A PPE kit is available for staff in the event a child is symptomatic.

Any PPE used while caring for a symptomatic person will be double-bagged and labelled then stored securely for 72 hours before disposal.

If symptomatic

If anyone becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a temperature of 37.8°C or higher in nursery they will be sent home immediately. While waiting to be picked up they will wait outside when possible with a member of staff wearing PPE (gloves, apron, mask).

If a member of staff becomes symptomatic, they will go home immediately.

Should individuals live with those displaying symptoms, they should isolate for 14 days.

In an emergency, call 999 if they are seriously ill or injured or their life is at risk.

Current Government/Public Health England guidance about isolation of other individuals who have been in contact will be followed if a child or adult becomes symptomatic or tests positive.

Mental Health

Management will offer whatever support they can to help promote staff well-being.

All staff will be positive and mindful of their actions and language around children.

Clinically Vulnerable, including Pregnant Staff

Clinically vulnerable staff will work with children who are less likely to require close contact, i.e. pre-school age children.

Clinically vulnerable staff will not change nappies or be responsible for cleaning any bodily fluids.

Clinically vulnerable staff will be excused from supervising a child who is showing symptoms of any illness.